Research in the Department of Biological Sciences

在生物科学系的教师运行活跃的研究实验室,提供 opportunities for undergraduate and MS student researchers. Department labs publish 在顶级期刊上,确保外部研究经费,并将实验室毕业生送到有竞争力的地方 PhD and MD/PhD programs. You can find a description of the research occurring in the department below.

Ecology & Evolution and Marine Biology

Lambrecht Plant Ecology Research Lab

苏珊·兰布雷希特的实验室研究植物生理生态学,重点研究气候如何 而其他非生物因子则决定了植物功能性状的变异和进化.

Shaffer Avian Physiology and Ecology Lab

Dr. Shaffer's 实验室研究脊椎动物的生理生态学,主要集中在联系上 自由放养鸟类的能量消耗、行为和生活史进化. 他的实验室也使用各种新颖的数据记录技术来监控行为 作为测量能量消耗和生理表现的常规方法. 

Castillo Vardaro Molecular Ecology and Wildlife Laboratory

我们的研究结合了现场、博物馆和分子遗传学的方法来解决 关于进化、生态学和野生动物保护生物学的问题. Our primary research focus is on American pikas and Urban Wildlife.

deVries Marine Biology Laboratory

在deVries实验室,我们研究海洋无脊椎动物吃什么以及如何吃和保护自己 从捕食者那里了解饮食和形态如何帮助塑造生态 of an ecosystem. 我们进一步探讨了环境变化如何改变这些关系. 我们通过整合动物行为, 稳定同位素生态学、水产养殖、遗传学、生物力学、工程学和机器人技术.

Larabee Insect Biomechanics and Evolution Lab

Fredrick Larabee的实验室研究昆虫形态和生物多样性,特别是如何 mouthpart morphology influences insect ecology and evolution. His lab uses techniques 从行为和3D成像到分子系统发育和几何形态计量学.

Wilkin Fire Ecology & Management Lab

凯特·威尔金的实验室研究了火如何与植物、植物群落、 生态系统,以及我们的社区,从荒野地区到荒地城市界面. We are proud to be part of the NSF Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center 我们很高兴能在跨学科项目上进行合作.

Molecular Biology

French Drosophila Genetics Lab

我们研究酒精暴露对发育的影响,使用果蝇作为遗传 model. 我们目前的项目包括研究酒精和 基因表达的表观遗传调控,以及酒精与 neurodegeneration.

VanHoven Lab

我们对神经发育的分子和遗传机制感兴趣 behavior in the microscopic nematode C. elegans.  Specifically, we are interested 在神经回路的形成和相粒感觉回路的功能.  These studies 能帮助我们理解自闭症和精神分裂症等神经系统疾病吗.

Grillo-Hill Cell Biology Lab 

How does the environment of a cell regulate its behavior? Our lab studies how chemical changes alter cell behaviors. We focus on acid levels, also called intracellular pH (pHi). 细胞产生酸是正常细胞过程的结果,癌细胞也是如此 are more basic than normal cells. We showed that increasing pH in normal cells is sufficient to induce cancer cells behaviors. Current questions include: How does increased pHi promote cell proliferation? Paradoxically, how does increased pHi promote cell death? 增加的pHi如何与致癌的ras信号一起促进转移? Which molecules mediates these processes, and how does this occur?


Abramson Immunology Lab (G & UG)

Tzvia Abramson他的实验室研究对粘膜病原体和炎症性疾病的免疫反应. 我们特别关注呼吸道感染,如小鼠的百日咳和 gut chronic inflammation in human. Additionally, we use mesenchymal stem cells as a cellular approach for these studies. Currently seeking talented graduate and undergraduate students with interest in immunology research.

Ouverney Lab

我们的研究重点是新兴的不可培养致病菌的特性 and Archaea associated with humans.  Most prokaryotes in natural environmental sites are thought to be uncultivable.  Some of these prokaryotes are also present in humans 并且最近与人类疾病有关,例如候选物中的细菌 Division TM7 associated with the oral disease periodontitis.  More specifically our 研究兴趣是发现与人类相关的TM7细菌的自然来源 建立TM7细菌模型,进一步了解其在人体中的作用. 

Singhal PhAGE Lab

噬菌体实验室利用微生物来研究生物是如何进化的. We focus in particular 感染细菌的病毒(称为“噬菌体”或简称“噬菌体”). 我们的实验室解决以下问题:1)病毒如何进化以承受不断增加的压力 temperatures? 2) How do viruses evolve to infect new host cell types? Our research 是否有更广泛的应用于新疾病的出现,气候下的适应 change, and evolutionary mechanisms in other living organisms.


Rech Environmental Microbiology Lab

我们的主要项目集中在土壤微生物种群的变化响应 to decreasing moisture in the Mojave desert. We are using molecular tools to characterize 沿降水梯度收集的土壤样品中的种群. Currently 我们特别关注与氮循环有关的基因,我们正在开始 to elucidate the influence of available moisture on this cycle. In addition we are working with bacteria isolated from the red banded acorn worm. Our major interest is the production of bromoperoxidases by these isolates. This involves the isolation and characterization of the enzymes. 

Systems Physiology

Cargill’s Reproductive Physiology Laboratory

Shelley Cargill’s 实验室研究涉及哺乳动物物种的雌性生殖系统以及卵巢输入如何影响整体衰老. In particular my 研究涉及到将年轻的卵巢移植到年老的雌性小鼠身上的影响 总体寿命与发情周期增加之间可能存在关联 lifespan in this research model.

VanHoven Lab

我们对神经发育的分子和遗传机制感兴趣 behavior in the microscopic nematode C. elegans.  Specifically, we are interested 在神经回路的形成和相粒感觉回路的功能.  These studies 能帮助我们理解自闭症和精神分裂症等神经系统疾病吗.

Wilkinson Neurophysiology Lab

Katie Wilkinson's 实验室研究肌肉感觉神经元,支配肌肉纺锤体并提供 身体位置和运动信息传递给中枢神经系统. These neurons are essential for balance and motor control. Our lab is interested in understanding 这些神经元是如何将肌肉拉伸转化为动作电位的 these neurons to malfunction. 

Ensminger Lab 

我们的实验室对神经内分泌应激反应如何改变野生动物的行为感兴趣, physiology, and molecular biology. Currently, we are studying the effects of stress 在野生栅栏蜥蜴的怀孕期间以及母体的压力如何改变后代 behavior, immune function, and redox balance.

Huynh Lab

Huynh实验室研究营养物质是如何代谢的,以及这对整体健康的影响 health. 营养物质代谢和储存的方式会对人体产生深远的影响 most physiological processes. We use molecular biology as well as whole body physiology 研究碳水化合物、脂质和氨基酸代谢途径的技术 它们是如何相互作用的,以及这些途径的失调是如何导致的 diseases such as diabetes and obesity. We are particularly interested in how metabolic 通路受激素和翻译后修饰调节.